How to change font size in windows 8
How to change font size in windows 8

how to change font size in windows 8

Check the check box ‘Let me choose one scaling level for all my display’ and select scaling size that you want.Open ‘Control Panel’ -> ‘Display’ -> ‘Screen Resolution’ and click ‘Make text and other items larger or smaller’.To increase font size on Windows (short version), If you think texts on this image are too small to read, you can follow the guide below to increase the size without changing resolution of your monitor or laptop.

how to change font size in windows 8

This is example of the screen with resolution 1920×1080 on default size on 24″ LCD monitor. However, in some situation, for example, a short-sighted person with weak eyesight, or person that uses Windows on large LCD screen, or someone who have to sit far away from the screen than usual, they would love to have larger text on the screen.

how to change font size in windows 8

Generally, font size scaling on Windows is already well optimized on normal resolution for most people.

How to change font size in windows 8